Pro-Israel Christians |
John Hagee and Christians United for Israel
John Hagee is the pastor of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas.
He is also a great friend of Israel and the Jewish community. His church
has 18,000 members. In addition, Hagee presides over a TV and radio network
broadcasting to 190 nations. He has written 21 books; his latest is called Jerusalem
Countdown. Every year he and his followers celebrate “A Night to Honor
Israel.” Hagee’s broadcasts seek to teach his audience that our differences are less important than our mutual interests, and that Christians have an obligation to support Israel and the Jewish people.
John Hagee and his followers have
given millions to bring Jews out of Russia and settle them in Israel. More
millions were given to establish orphanages and absorption centers.
In 2006, John Hagee founded
“Christians United for Israel.” This organization sends millions of emails
to Christians on behalf of Israel.
They also hold “standing with Israel” meetings and publish a magazine called
The Torch, which tells the truth about Israel and its enemies, including
Arab terrorists and other Jew baiting barbarians.
Christians United also contacts members of Congress and the current
anti-Israel administration, and in addition asks members of congress to
participate in a pledge which reads: “We believe that the Jewish people have a
right to the ancient land of Israel and that modern Israel is the fulfillment of
that historic right. CUI members also support the right of Israel to defend
itself against violence and that they will speak out against anti-Jewish hate
campaigns sponsored by Muslim and Nazi communities.
Christian students are also taught how
to respond to anti-Jewish hate campaigns on the campuses of our universities,
and how to resist the Nazi inspired campaign to boycott all Jewish
business (BDS).
In recognition of his efforts on
behalf of our people, Hagee has been
given the ZOA Israel Award, the ZOA Service Award, and the B'nai B'rith Council
At a recent rally, Hagee and his
followers raised $6 millon for Israel, which were distributed to a number of
Israeli causes. At that rally, the participants also
declared that Israel must remain in control of Jerusalem.
While in Israel, Hagee and CUI held a
rally at Jerusalem’s convention center, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
spoke to the audience on his determination to keep Jerusalem under Jewish
Christians United for Israel also
supports that all of the “west bank” remain within Israel.
In view of this important support we
gain from Christians United, it is remarkable but not unexpected that there are
so called Jewish “leaders” who distance themselves from our friends while
embracing the Jew hater Al Sharpton. Our friends are indeed few and our enemies
many, so that we have every reason to thank Shem Yisborach for John Hagee and
his followers. Shalom u’vracha. Dr. Gerhard Falk is the author of numerous publications, including The German Jews in America (2014). |