

Commentary by Dr. Ursula A. Falk

Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler:  The Jewish Connection


Power, might, and narcissism are traits that all three of the dictators Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler had in common.  They were all born in the nineteenth century; Joseph Stalin in 1897,  Benito Mussolini in 1883, Adolf Hitler in 1889.  None of their parents were people of means and none appeared to be outstanding.  Stalin’s mother lost three children before she had Joseph. As a child he was ridiculed in school because he had a skin condition and was nicknamed “Pocky.” He, like Adolf Hitler, was raised in poor surroundings.  Hitler’s youth was not better. He too came from poverty and had a brutal father.

 Another commonality that existed was that all three of these men needed scapegoats.  The latter are people who are able to be ostracized, blamed and labeled responsible for all of the misery of the in group.  The scapegoats are the outsiders who do not belong.  For the Germans, Austrians, Russians, Poles, and many of the Europeans, the Jews were an excellent target for the leaders of the masses.  After all, “the Jews had allegedly killed their Jesus,” whoever he was. They had no mercy for their “G’d killers.”  It did not matter that the communists did not believe in a deity, nor whether he ever existed, or who he was.  Their ignorance was a satisfactory reason to follow their leader and be able to let out their anger, their sadism, on a people who could not help themselves, especially since might means right.

 The three  leaders were overpowering figures who had to be right.  They seemed to have knowledge that the common everyday folks did not have.  They resembled a herd of sheep who obeyed their shepherd blindly.  They also knew if they did not do as they were ordered they would be trampled by the masses.  There was the promise of a satisfying, rich life where all of their necessities and earthly needs would be met by the all knowing strong parental figures who would create the Nirvana that was wished for.  The followers could be compared to infants who rely on their parents for every breath that they take.  No obedience, no care, no oxygen.

  In addition, since the Jews were the “Chosen People” and  the folks not chosen were angry and envious, and since destruction of these chosen ones could be accomplished, there would be equality and the remainder of humanity would be chosen for all of the good things on earth.  It was recognized that the Jewish people worked hard, and used their intelligence and strength to achieve.  Historically they also had strong religious beliefs, which among other edicts directed them not to kill, to follow the ten commandments, and to treat their “brothers,” their fellow humans, as they would want to be treated.  They had been taught not to destroy, to be a peaceful people.  This was a difficult tenet to carry out because they could not be the attackers or aggressors.  Since the Jews were a people of relatively few numbers, they were easily chosen as the target of venom, hostility, and sadism.  As Hitler so aptly screamed in his speeches:  Since the Jews were the cause of all the floods, excessive rain, and  bad weather, as well as famine, poverty, and all other misfortune, why not destroy them?

Mussolini agreed with Hitler.  Since there is strength in numbers and might is right, why hesitate?  The Russians and the Poles were forerunners of the two and Stalin was a power hungry ideologue who spread his beliefs, his fanaticisms, throughout the nation that he ruled with blind beliefs to the detriment of humanity who had the misfortune to be under his rule.  Jews in Eastern Europe were tormented, tortured, and killed by pogroms which involved theft, torture, and destruction to the Jewish people, who, because of their beliefs, together with their small number, could not defend themselves.

Although we have learned a great deal from our history, we must remember that we must stand together as a people and never ever allow ourselves to be the victims of power hungry anti-Semites.  We must learn to recognize leaders who would do us harm, appreciate those who are our friends, and must never allow the germ of a potential holocaust sprout.  Like our Israeli brothers, we must stand up and fight for our  insightful convictions!


Dr. Ursula A. Falk is a psychotherapist in private practice and the author of several books and articles.

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