

Commentary by Dr. Ursula A. Falk


  Judgmentalism, Inequality, Harassment , The Meting Out of Sadistic, False Consequences


As Jewish people we have turned ourselves inside out to be fair, compassionate, and sympathetic to any human being who is ostracized or minimized by the masses, the folk who live in our midst who are poor, ill, or viewed as lesser people.  We have identified with these folk because of the anti-Semitism that still lingers, the history of the holocaust, and much more. We have become the champions of those who seem to be of a “lesser breed” and often to our detriment defend some who hate us and do us harm.  We give to these people regardless of their angry and not infrequently murderous behavior and actions, despite indisputable facts.

When a comparison is made between the Jewish people and African-Americans, we find the former, who came with nothing after escaping from Europe where they lost six million of their people.  They are the few remnants who by a “hair” were able to escape.  They could not speak the language but did everything in their limited power to learn, took any job they could get, be it cleaning garbage cans, hauling bottles to stores, or whatever was available.  The young ones saved their pennies, studied, attended colleges whenever they could, and became acceptable, or even distinguished, human beings.  Nothing was too difficult for them.  They were not afraid to work, to study, to become important, educated citizens in their new country, the USA. 

In comparison, the majority of the Negroes in America used their history to hold their surroundings responsible, expecting to be given money and other goods since they used their long ago slave status as a reason to expect to be reimbursed for their historical past.  Their crime rate is great statistically, from four to six times the rate of the other Americans. There are, of course a small group of Afro Americans who have achieved, were willing to work, to attend schools and universities, and to rise above their unwilling self pitying kin.

Because of the mindset of the latter, they have managed to stop freedom of speech in this country. The hatred of the Jewish people is strong among a not so small number of these persons. No one is ever allowed to use any slight word that would indicate their race.  The “N.” word is forbidden, and if only alluded to can cause severe punishment for the unfortunate individual who used that in anger.  If, however the hateful black person kills a Jewish person out of anger or sport, no punishment is meted out to the perpetrator.

A recent incident brought that to our attention.  The owner of an professional basketball team made some unpleasant remark about a black person who was a possible spectator at one of the games; the edict was given him that his ownership of that business was done and he had to sell it and in addition had to pay an enormous fine.  On the other side, a young Jewish student several years ago was going home on the streets of New York when a gang of black Americans killed him without cause.  No punishments were given to the perpetrators of that heinous crime.  Leaders of the black community jeered, sang, and praised the killers of that wonderful guilt free, orthodox young boy (A “Yeshive Bocher”).

Where is justice?  Why don’t we stand up to our enemies?  Why are we lemmings who allow ourselves to become the victims of those who would destroy us?  Let us think hard before we protect our enemies, and let us take a stand in helping and protecting our own and in having some dignity as Jews and as human beings!


 Dr. Ursula A. Falk is a psychotherapist in private practice and the author of several books and articles.

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