

Commentary by Dr. Ursula A. Falk

Moschiach & Our Beliefs


The concept of Moschiach has been with us since time immemorial.  In the old world, long before the common era, our Jewish brethren believed in this Being and his coming.  He was a superhuman who appeared, paid attention to every just Jewish person, and would lead one and all out of the diaspora into the promised land.  The dead would come to life, out of their graves, and become whole again, instantly restructured as new, healthy, happy humans and, together with all of the other Zadikim (holy and just people), would be viable and complete (If an individual had lost a limb it had to be buried with the remainder of the body so that it could again be a part of his body when the Moschiach arrived). Families would reconnect with one another.  There would be no sadness, no strife, no illness.  There would be resurrection and everyone would feel strong.  Anger and strife would be nonexistent, and everyone would love one another and would feel strong and whole.  The Moschiach/Messiah would bring back all the good, decent and G'd fearing, righteous human beings who would live in Nirvana forever. 

With all of the misfortune that befell our Jewish people, is it any wonder that we clung to the coming of Moshiach, our deliverer, who would free us from our enemies and our hardships?  There would never be a pogrom again, no anti-Semitism, never ever again would there be a Holocaust.  Our Messiah would come and we, as well as all the Zadikim (the holy people), would be together in unison; we would love each other and have no more sorrows; wars and bloodshed and evil would not exist; “only goodness and mercy” would follow us and be with us in our eternal life. 

The Moschiach will be amidst our people and we will be the special humans who have followed the Karyagim Mitzwot (the 613 blessings/good deeds).  When our “Savior” comes to meet us, we will all have the Nirvana that we have dreamed about.  No more struggles, no more of life’s strivings will exist.

Over the last one hundred years, we have witnessed many changes/miracles in our lives. The  flying machines called airplanes have taken us into another dimension, as have many of the devices that have changed our world. The electronic world has brought a new dimension to our fellow humans.  We can reach people at a moment's notice, cover distances in short periods of time, live healthier and longer lives because of scientific knowledge, and experience seemingly miraculous occurrences.  

In our modern world, the good life comes from “mazel” (luck), strivings, ambition, and the belief that Hashem (G’d) helps those who help themselves.  We cannot prevent wars, illness, and misfortunes of many kinds.  We do, if we are fortunate enough, have good friends, have sufficient means to make our life more bountiful.  We can contribute to the less fortunate ones among us and create a satisfying life for ourselves.  We cannot control how long we will live, and without the concept of the Moschiach, we cannot remain forever young.  The concept of the Messiah is much like the concept that we have as very young children, that of unconditional love.  The Garden of Eden is not promised us unless, of course, the Moschiach comes to lead us there unconditionally!


Dr. Ursula A. Falk is a psychotherapist in private practice and the author of several books and articles.

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