Muslim Persecution of Jews in the USA

Commentary by Dr. Gerhard Falk


The Nazis Have Come to America

Shortly after the German army invaded Poland, all exits from Germany were closed as the Second World War was proceeding.

Nevertheless I managed to escape from Germany and then reached the United States. I believed I would never see another Nazi in the land of the free. To my surprise and horror, I now hear and see American Nazis screaming in loud choruses in our streets “kill all Jews.” Thus, the Nazis have come to America.

On January 30, 1932, the president of Germany, General Paul von Hindenburg, appointed Adolf Hitler Chancellor. The German president, like the English king, is a non governing elected official whose only duties are the appointment of the chancellor and the welcoming gestures toward foreign diplomats. The German chancellor is called prime minister in England.

Therefore the appointment of Hitler meant that the Nazi party would rule Germany. Hitler and the Nazis made the persecution of the European Jews their prime objective, leading to the Holocaust. The first followers of Hitler were the German professors, who taught their students to hate all Jews. This also occurred in the USA, as professors spent a great deal of their lectures telling students that this country is an abomination and that all Jews, including those in Israel, have no right to live. The doctrine that Jews have no right to live is a Muslim religious belief, introduced to America by the numerous Muslim students. These foreigners assault and harass American students in their own country. Now these Nazis stand in American streets and scream “Death to America” and 

“Death to Jews. “ Like their German predecessors, the American Nazis also scream, “Don’t buy from Jews” as they scream “Death to America” and “Death to Jews.”

It appears that the majority of Americans are opposed to anti-Jewish behavior, including presidents’ anti-Jewish conduct.

The Republican candidate for president of the United States , Donald Trump, may well be elected next November, and put an end to religious hate and return this land to the  democracy it was.

Shalom u'vracha.

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