Academic Hate Propaganda |
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Walt-Mearsheimer
Hate Machine In 1903, the Russian clergy wrote a book which claimed that a
great Jewish conspiracy had taken place in Basel, Switzerland. The book, called The
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, claimed that the First Zionist Congress of
1897 had been a meeting of the “Wise Men of Zion” seeking to rule the world.
Included in this forgery were all the ancient anti-Jewish canards which finally,
in Hitler’s day, led to the gas ovens of Auschwitz. Prior to that, Henry Ford had this Russian hate rag
translated into English. He then disseminated this hate widely in this country
and in other English speaking lands even as other haters translated the Protocols
into almost every language on earth. After the Anti-Defamation League sued Henry Ford, he withdrew
his hate publications, and in 1993 even a Russian judge declared this book an
anti-Jewish forgery. It is only in the Arab countries where this diatribe is
still available and widely circulated. Now come two professors of political science and revive this
hate material by publishing a lengthy essay they call a “working paper” in a
British magazine, repeating all the bigotry and hate propaganda already in vogue
in Hitler’s day and before. Under the guise of “criticizing” Israel,
Stephen Walt of Harvard University and John Mearsheimer of the University of
Chicago once more dish out these anti-Jewish assertions: 1. Jews are money mad. Here the two “academics”
blast Israel for seeking and getting American financial aid. They have nothing
to say about Egypt receiving $3 billion a year in American money. Furthermore,
Walt occupies a “chair” endowed by a Jew. He lives on Jewish money and
“bites the hand that feeds him”. 2. Jews seize the property of others without
compensation. This lie is already found in first century hate propaganda, was
repeated by Martin Luther and Joseph Göbbels (Hitler’s propaganda chief) a
million times and is standard rhetoric among Muslims. The haters claim Israel
seized the land of the Palestinians. Of course that was and is impossible. The
so-called Palestinians never existed and do not exist. Palestina is the
Latin word for Philistines, a people long disappeared from history .The current
so-called Palestinians are Arab immigrants from lands surrounding Israel who
moved there in order to take advantage of Jewish “blood, sweat and tears”
which changed the desert into a land of milk and honey. The Arabs contributed
nothing to the land other than murder and bloodshed. Nevertheless, Israel has
ceded them Gaza and most of Judea and Samaria. Not good enough, according to
Walt and Mearsheimer, who seek the total destruction of Israel in favor of the
Arab marauders and killers. 3. Jews have too much influence on American foreign
policy and American life in general. Walt and Mearsheimer call their diatribe
“The Israel Lobby and American Foreign Policy”. Here we find predictably
that Jews alone govern the U.S., that all media are under Jewish control, that
“the Jews have all the money” and that Jews let others fight their wars for
them. Not one word about the influence of Arab oil billionaires on American
policy. In fact, Walt and Mearsheimer complain that Jews use their money and
influence to lobby congress and the administration in favor of Israel. Jews have
no right to influence anyone. Only hate mongers have that right, according to
these “intellectuals”. The Walt-Mearsheimer hate propaganda goes on and on.
Fortunately, Professor Alan Dershowitz of the Harvard Law school has answered
them in detail. Take a look at his essay on your internet web site. Dershowitz
proves that the views of Walt and Mearsheimer are taken directly from Nazi web
sites. Furthermore, David Duke, Ku Klux Klan boss and the most virulent Nazi in
America, praises the theses of Walt and Mearsheimer in the highest terms. It may seem strange to some that the academy is so full of
anti-Jewish hate mongers. This is no surprise to those of us who work there
every day. Even as the Anti-Defamation League reports that only 9% of white
Americans can be classified as anti-Jewish, while 38% of blacks and Hispanics
belong in that category, the academics are largely infested with religious hate
resembling pre-Hitler Germany. In the 1920’s, just prior to the Nazi takeover, the German
university professors were the first to welcome “Der Führer” and his hate.
This was so because the German academics had for years preached anti-Jewish hate
even before Hitler was born. Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886) was the most famous
historian of his day. Yet, his writings reveal the most base hate of Jews and
almost anyone else not a German. This was true of almost all German history
professors, who taught these hatreds to their students who then became teachers
in the German schools and passed on the hatred to all their students. This was also true of philosophers, preachers and law
professors. The Nobel prize winner and physics professor Lenard, in 1923, ten
years before the Nazi take-over, publicly denounced Albert Einstein, claiming he
had created “Jewish physics”, which differed from real German physics .
Likewise the famous philosopher Heidegger wore a Nazi uniform and persecuted
Jewish professors and students when he became the president of the University of
Munich. I could easily name hundreds of these German “scholars”
who spread anti-Jewish hate throughout Europe in the pre-Nazi days. Now we see
this in the American universities and in England again. Yet, I doubt these
academic haters can have much influence here. Americans are not greatly
impressed by academics, as are the Germans. The vast majority of our people have
no such hatreds . Yet, we need to guard against them as best we can. Remember
that almost all academics are Democrats, who hate America as much as they hate
Israel and Jews in general. Therefore, we Jews need to vote for the Republican
party. 86% of Republicans favor the survival of Israel. Only 38% of Democrats
favor the survival of Israel. Whose side are we on? Shalom u’vracha. Dr. Gerhard Falk is the author of numerous publications, including Football & American Identity (2005) & Youth Culture and the Generation Gap (2005) with Dr. Ursula A. Falk. |