Austrian Nazis |
German-speaking citizens of Vienna call their city Wien (Veen). The capital of
Austria, it is known all over the world as the city of music and dancing and
enjoyment. Vienna is the city where the Jewish waltz king Johann Strauss
composed The Beautiful Blue Danube (Die Schöne Blaue Donau) and his father,
Johann Strauss Senior, composed The Radetsky March, which is always the last
piece of music played by the Viennese Symphony Orchestra on New Year’s Day.
Every year American television broadcasts that New Year’s Day concert from
Vienna. The concert is performed in the Viennese opera house, which is
absolutely beautiful. In addition to the music, there is dancing on the part of
the Vienna Ballet and various sights of that beautiful city are also seen during
that TV broadcast. It
would be hard to convince the unsuspecting viewer that they’re looking at a
gang of murderers and robbers when they view the well-dressed audience attending
the concert and clapping enthusiastically after each waltz, or song or dance.
Yet the truth cannot be denied, however the Viennese seek to rewrite history and
pretend that they were somehow the victims of Nazi aggression. The truth is that
when the German army marched into Austria in 1936, the Austrians stood in the
streets screaming with joy at the sight of their native son Hitler traveling
through the city in an open car. Not only did the Viennese welcome the German
army and the Führer, they did a lot more than that to ensure their allegiance
to Nazi ideology. As
soon as the German army had occupied the city and before the persecution of
Viennese Jews had even been announced by the Nazi invaders, the citizens of
Vienna invaded Jewish homes, dragged the
Jews, women, men, and children, into the streets, and forced them to scrub the
streets with toothbrushes. Mothers brought their children to see this spectacle,
as Viennese citizens roared with laughter at the misery of the Jews. To this
day, the Viennese citizens old enough to have been there remember those days
with great satisfaction, while the descendants who were not there enjoy the
cheerful memories of their grandparents. The fact is that the Christian
population of Vienna could not get enough enjoyment from seeing Jews scrubbing
the streets with toothbrushes. To
make the enjoyment even greater, numerous citizens doused the Jews engaged in
this awful work with acid.. Some Jews were even forced to eat grass as the crowd
stood and watched and cheered, The Viennese who committed these atrocities were not a small group of fanatic Nazis. No, they were the average citizens. It has been estimated that at least 100,000 Viennese ransacked through Jewish homes looking for money and jewelry, which they stole and which their descendants have in their possession to this day. The Viennese citizens also robbed the Jewish homes of valuable artwork and enriched themselves by stealing all the furniture, clothes, children’s toys, and anything else they could possibly find. Viennese citizens plundered Jewish owned department stores, burnt down synagogues, and beat Jews in the streets. Crowds cheered loudly as the beards of the rabbis were shorn. All Jewish businesses were stolen, and the thieves thereafter operated these businesses for their own profit. Of the 68 Jewish banks, all but eight were smashed. Of the 70,000 homes once occupied by the Jews in Vienna, almost all were appropriated by Christians. It
is significant that the Night of the Crystal Glass of November 10 to 11th
1938 was carefully orchestrated in Germany. Yet the persecution of the Jewish
Viennese needed no orchestration. It was the spontaneous act of the majority of
Viennese citizens, who equally enjoyed that a number
of Viennese Jews committed suicide. Today
there are 6988 Jews in Vienna in a city of 1.87 million. This tiny community is
segregated from the city in that they live in a small area they call Kosherland.
All of these Jews came to Austria from Russia and other countries after the
Second World War. Their chances of survival are questionable. Their permanent
discrimination and status as second-class human beings is certain. Like
all European Jews, they are constantly
looking over their shoulder to see
how much longer they can survive, in view of the general European assault on the
few Jews still living in that bloody continent. Shalom u’vracha. Dr. Gerhard Falk is the author of numerous publications, including End of the Patriarchy (2015). |