Punishment of the Convicted

Commentary by Dr. Gerhard Falk


Crime in America, Part 2

There are in this country numerous prosecutors and so-called liberals who refuse to prosecute even the most violent criminals and who seek to reduce prison sentences to a minimum no matter how hideous the criminal conduct.  Some crimes, such as shoplifting, are not prosecuted at all, so that it seems that the law is on the side of criminals, not its victims.

The reason for this anomaly is that our prisons are true nightmares of hate and destruction. Many prosecutors do not want to send any human being into the hellholes our prisons represent. Instead of helping prisoners to learn decent conduct and refrain from brutal and destructive behavior, our prisons create crime by making inmates even angrier than before they come into the clutches of our so called “correction” facilities. Our prisons cause crime because they produce more anger, more rejection, and more hopelessness than any other experience.

We could of course adopt the Scandinavian system of corrections, which allows prisoners to rehabilitate themselves into acceptable behavior. However, this would not please the so-called correction officials, whose brutality matches the worst criminals they supervise.

 Worst of all are the psychotic sadists who kill helpless prisoners by administering the so called “death penalty.” These serial killers are paid murderers of the state. They have no conscience and no feelings for anyone else. Like serial killers among the population they kill, and kill and kill, day after day, and enjoy it. These murderous beasts have a great advantage over  other murderers in that they can murder every day without having to face any retribution. Paid killers, they are not part of humanity. They have no conscience.

Therefore we should excommunicate the paid killers. Do not allow them into any religious congregation. Sell them no food. Do not sell or rent them any house or apartment. Do not speak to them. Do not greet them and be alert to their hideous behavior as they are the most dangerous among us. People who do not respect human life killed six million Jews in Europe between 1933 and 1945 solely because of the victims’ religion. The paid murderers among us will do the same if they can get the chance. Meanwhile try by any means to put these monsters out of business by having all states and the federal government abolish the death penalty as has already been done in about half of our states.

“You shall not murder” is one of the Ten Commandments. It applies to all men, without exception.

Shalom u'vracha.

  Dr. Gerhard Falk is the author of numerous publications, including The American Jewish Community in the 20th and 21st Century (2021).

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