Arab Fabrications

Commentary by Dr. Gerhard Falk


Lies, Stupid Lies, Malicious Lies, and Religious Hate

Religious hate has been a centuries old method of demeaning the Jewish people and slaughtering millions over 1600 years. The leading proponents of continuing the slaughter of those who practice Judaism are the Arab terrorists, who are unwilling to allow even one Jew to live in this world. This despite the Arab nations of Egypt, Jordan, The United Arab Emirates, and others who have now recognized the right of Jews to exist and given up the effort to continue the Nazi style mass murders.

Like their idol, Hitler, whom the terrorists call “a great man,” the  haters use any lie to support their claims.

Lie #1: Israel has no right to exist because the so-called Palestinians are the original owners of the land. Those who make this claim call themselves “Palestinians” and the Land of Israel “Palestine.” The truth is that the Philistines who once lived in the Gaza area were long ago assimilated into other nations and disappeared. However, in 132 CE and until 135 CE the Israelis revolted against the rule of the Romans, who had invaded Israel and destroyed the temple in Jerusalem. Their leader, Bar Kochba, died as the Romans slaughtered the Jewish defenders. Thereupon the Roman emperor Hadrian ordered that the country should from then on be called Palestina in order to eradicate forever the name Israel. He also ordered that no Jews should ever live in Israel again. The Arabs who now call themselves Palestinians are not Philistines but immigrants from surrounding countries who came into Israel to gain advantages from the development of the land by the Jews.

Lie # 2:  The Jews seized the land by force and drove the original inhabitants out. The truth is that the Arabs seized the whole of the east bank of Israel, called it Jordan, and pretended that Jordan, which is entirely Jewish territory, is somehow Arab land.

Lie #3:  Israel is not legitimate because it is not recognized by the international community. The truth is that the United Nations voted in 1947 to divide the land of Israel into two parts. The majority was given to the Arabs and a small strip of land along the Mediterranean Sea as well as the Negev desert was allocated to the Jews. The Arabs at once refused to accept the decision of the United Nations and attacked the tiny Jewish part of Israel in the hope of killing all Jews living there. Despite the overwhelming superiority of the Arab forces attacking the small Jewish community in 1948, the Jews survived and were able to hold on to a part of the land. A truce was arranged in 1949 which lasted until 1967, when Egyptian dictator Nasser was  given a vast amount of military equipment by Russia so as to destroy Israel. Nasser was handed an entire air force, huge numbers of tanks and guns, and far more military equipment than Israel had received from the United States. The Egyptians allied themselves with Syria, north of Israel, who also had been given Russian military aid. Together with Jordan, west of the Jordan River, the three countries were sure that they could now overrun Israel and kill all Jews. They hoped to seize all Jewish property after killing the entire Jewish population, exactly as the European Christians had done between 1933 and 1945.  The Egyptians broadcast Hebrew messages into Israel to the effect that not one Jew would survive the expected invasion of Israel by the Arab forces.

Believing this, the American media drooled with pleasure at the prospect of once more seeing huge numbers of Jewish corpses all over the land . American Jews prayed for the intervention of “Shem Yisborach”  when it looked as if Israel was no more and the Nazis of Egypt would repeat Auschwitz.

Then, on June 5, 1967, an astonishing event saved Israel from destruction. The Israeli air force flew partway over the Mediterranean Sea and then turned on Egypt from the west. Flying over numerous Egyptian airfields, Israeli planes destroyed the entire Egyptian air force, whose planes were parked on numerous airfields all over Egypt. Once the Arabs lost air superiority, Israel was able to destroy the advancing tanks coming from Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. The Arab killers suffered a huge defeat, leading to Israel seizing the Sinai desert and all the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The Jews survived but the Arab killers were not satisfied.

On October 6, 1973, the Egyptians and Syria attacked Israel once more. October 6 was Yom Kippur and the Arabs hoped that all Jews would be in synagogues and therefore could be taken by surprise. The Arabs failed again. The Yom Kippur war ended on October 25, 1973 with another defeat of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. This time Israel freed all of the land from Arab occupation, except Jordan. Jerusalem became the undivided capital of Israel and was recognized as such by the United States, whose embassy was moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem during the Trump administration.

Today Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and other Arab states recognize the right of Israel to live. Even Saudi, fearing Iran, has allowed Israel’s commercial airline to fly over Saudi territory.

Meanwhile, the religious haters in the Gaza Strip continue to attack and kill individual Jews at random while screaming for the annihilation of all Jews .  Their chances of achieving this murderous aim are hardly believable. Yet, some Nazi fanatics among the Arab population of Israel still kill Israeli citizens on occasion without ever gaining their objective, i.e. the murder of all Jews on earth.

There are twenty Arab countries in this world. There is only one Jewish land the size of New Jersey. Yet, the haters cannot tolerate that Jews have anything. Not even our lives.

Shalom u'vracha.

  Dr. Gerhard Falk is the author of numerous publications, including The American Jewish Community in the 20th and 21st Century (2021).


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