
Commentary by Dr. Gerhard Falk


The Most Ridiculous Superstition

The Greek word for God is Theos.  Atheism means no God. Gnosis is Greek and means knowledge.  Agnosis means no knowledge. 

Atheists know that God does not exist while Agnostics don’t know whether or not God exists. Several surveys of the American population reveals that 52% of Americans are agnostics. Now it is understood that a superstition, whatever its claims, seeks to assert that humans can control nature. That is a gross superstition. For example, so called “medicine men” produce rain by speaking a ritual argument. Others claim they can foresee the future of a person’s life by “reading” the lines in the skin of the hand. Yet other superstitious people believe that the universe is self-created. This superstition was taught by the philosopher John Dewey and is the first statement in his “Humanist Manfesto.” The problem with that list of humanist beliefs is that humanity is part of the universe and must be self- created, so that the Dewey doctrine results in the nonsense idea that humans have no mothers nor fathers. Surely no one can deny that. Therefore humans too we are self created. “Tantum atheismus produit suadere mallorum.”

Because 94% of Americans claim to be Christians, it is Christian atheism which has most influence on American culture. Christian atheists adopt the ethics of Christianity but reject the belief in any God. This was the German culture, as it supported the Nazi ideology which allowed any crime, however hideous, to guide the murder of six million Jews and 5 million Christians during the twelve years of Hitler’s rule. Hitler and many of his followers were Catholics. Yet, their rejection of Christian teachings concerning the sanctity of human life allowed such nightmares as this. “ A group of German “Einsatzgruppen” or “dedicated groups” planted bayonets on their rifles. They then drove to a Jewish hospital, entered the maternity  ward, and threw newborn babies out of a four story window. The babies fell on the sidewalk cement, their skulls opened and their brains flowed

into the streets. The killers competed with one another in attempting to catch the babies on their bayonets in midair. Other, numerous horrors could be listed here. Suffice it to assert that those who murdered hundreds and thousands each day had become atheists who believed that they could do anything, no matter how bizarre and brutal.

In this country there are those who believe in “The Death of God.” Atheists contradict themselves. Many claim that ethics need no support in deism. That may be true of those who follow the teachings of Immanuel Kant, but can hardly satisfy the vast number of people who never heard of Kant and would be most uncomfortable to read his “Kritik der Reinen Vernunft” or, even moreso, Kant’s “Kritik der Religion.” Here Kant agrees with Tacitus (99 BC-5 BC  who wrote in his “De Rerum Natura” “Tantum Religio potuit suadere mallorum.” America will no doubt survive, as innumerable citizens have risked their lives and died to protect our democracy. That willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of the country is mostly inspired by a belief in the existence of God. It is peculiar that many  atheist claims that those who hold Judaism sacred are superstitious. Yet, atheism is a religion which seeks to rely on man alone, resulting in Nazi doctrines and the Muslim  belief that no Jew and no Christian has the right to live.

This belief has led Muslims to kill all Jews who ever lived among them. This hate is part of the Muslim religion, despite the  undeniable fact that Islam derives almost all its doctrines from the Jews.

Shalom u'vracha.


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